Monday 2 December 2013

The Rise of Blogging.....

Factory F with CiCi Jewels

Factory F has now been a fashion/beauty blog for almost five months now but the concept had been in place for (roughly) a year before ever publishing. Blogging is something that I always wanted to dabble with due to the fact that I am obsessive when it comes to style, particularly street style platforms ie LookBook, Polyvore and Pinterest images. High end fashion is so beautiful and amazing but I am very realistic with my budget and this is honestly beyond my financial means. So my fashion focus has always been geared towards styling, so much so that I can be instantly interested in someone based on their outfit. I just want to know where they buy ALL their clothes! When I started this blog I wasn't really sure what direction I was going to take it or what topics I would even cover to begin with, I just knew that I wanted to portray my personal tastes. The reason that I am writing this post is mainly to highlight how blogging has evolved so much more than just a hobby for people and can now be seen as "a career" for successful blogs (the dream for all aspiring bloggers).

Recently I graduated and now in a position where I am "looking for a grown up job!", which is much harder than anyone prepares you for. Trying to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life is daunting and very over0whelimg, but I am slowly figuring it out. The one aspect of my life that I have decided on is that writing will definitely be a major factor, be it for a living or just writing  this blog in my social hours.

So like I said, the idea of blogging had been on my mind for quiet some time before I ever signed up to blogger, but when I started to read other fashion focused blogs (hate sounding cheesy but.....) they really inspired me. There are four blogs in particular that I found myself glued to......

If you haven't looked at these blogs, I highly recommend them. Each one is very unique and different from the last but each post is a great read. Starting Factory F with CiCi Jewels is by far the highlight of this year for me and if anyone is remotely interested in starting a blog  my advice would be to just do it. 

Love C X 

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