Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Factory F 2015


So here we are, another year. One of the biggest New Years resolutions I made was to make more time for the things I love, something which really strayed from me over the past few months. Starting from now I plan on changing this. As I mentioned before (maybe 6 months ago, if you can remember that far back?) I made the big move to London, and that has been the biggest time factor in my life. Exploring & getting to know a new city has been the highlight of the last year for me, but unfortunately this took time away from my love for writing. Personally,2015 is about finding the perfect balance. I read recently in a certain bloggers post that she never apologises for taking a break from blogging, and i don't know if i 100% agree with this but I do believe that it's important to let my followers know where or what I've been doing. So I'm going to do just that! Below is a little insider into my life the past few months; what I've been doing, loving & looking forward to.        


Real Style Inspiration 

For those who don't know, I 've been working for a company called KAO for the past year in a PR & Communications role for beauty brands KMS California & Goldwell. The blogger in me takes this role to another level; social scheduling, analytics, and my favourite, the blog aspect! Real Style inspiration (.com!) is a whole site dedicated to the brand of KMS California. Covering topics realated to hair, beauty, fashion, & our newer focus on lifestyle has been extremely challagening, but equally as rewarding. When you're speaking as the voice of a brand it's a completly different ball game than speaking in the voice of yourself. For anyone wishing to work as a blogger or social media exec for a professional brand be aware of this. At first I really struggled to aggree to specific angles on posts but after some time you learn to differentiate the two. 

Right now the RSI blog is undergoing a major facelift, the blog redesign. This is something I've tried to push through for quiet awhile now and to say that it's actually happening is such a personal achievement. Fingers crossed, it should be ready in th next two weeks so I'll be able to share more with you then. 

London Musings 

"Savage Beauty" Alexander McQueen Exhibiton 



Opening in March, the V&A will host an exclusive exhibition on the work and life of Alexander McQueen and creative director, Sarah Burton. I 've spoken previosuly about my love for Alexander McQueen because of the expressive vision of the designers collection, and ability to portray that so effortlessly  events and shows.  Having first heard about this event about a year ago, I slotted it in the back of my mind as a 'must remeber to go to that' thought. But the excitment is building up all over London for this event as "the one that can't be missed"! This is a topic that I can't wait to cover in a post when I attend. Will you be going? 

"Audrey Hepburn" The Exhibition 


I've not been the biggest Audrey Hepburn fan, but saying that I'm very intrigued by her life. This event covers the life of the icon, running from 2nd July to October at the National Portrait Gallery. Exhibtions are hot in London over the next few months and these are my favourite choices. Which one will you go to? 



There are certain presents that I get every year for Christmas; Chloe perfume being the best one.The rest  including  pj's, socks and vouchers.  Honestly, it  really doesn't feel like Christmas until I have a new bottle of this in my hand. I guess you could say that it's become a CiCi traditon. I can't even explain why I love it so much, the scent is really refreshing which makes it the perfect choice for moving into those highly anticpated spring days. This is just a classic! If you haven't found your signature scent yet perhaps give this a go. Although, if it turns out you hate it please don't tell me, i couldn't bare to hear negative comments on my favourite scent. ;) 

                                                 So  that's what I've up to recenly and looking 
           forward to over the next few months.
   Until next time
         Love C X     


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