Ive always been very honest about using this blog as an expressive platform to voice my personal opinions of certain styles, trends, fashion collections, beauty products etc, I sometimes feel I cover a bit too much! I tend to be more specific in other projects but Factory F covers a vast range of beauty and fashion. In more recent times, perhaps a year, I have focused a lot of my time looking at campaigns from various different brands; how they work, what's the message, what's different, who cares about this campaign, who does it resonate with, how does it make them feel? Basically, dissecting marketing methods from afar. I've never done much with this information but simply just thought about it, but recently I thought It might make a nice additional feature to Factory F.
You may be wondering what is the point of this, and to tell you the truth it's exactly like every other aspect of this blog, it's about sharing my opinions, thoughts and passions with you. It may also bring to light some brands that you may not be aware of or a new collection that you haven't yet seen. Naturally, I will share some actual real lIfe campaigns that I'm working on with my job but I won't dive straight into that. For this post I decided to talk about why I think editorials are such an important addition to brands, and personally I think a large factor is to visual resonate with people much more because it gives the story of that brand or product. It's completely fair to say at this point that a press release also does that, but (and I say as someone who works in PR) does the image featured above not tell you more about message of that editorial and clothing rather than a paragraphs explaining where the clothes come from and what they should represent?
A lot of the images that I will share with you in this additional feature will come from publications as it will be these title editorials and featured advertising that I will be taking about. As a side note to this story, I recently. Started to download my favourites monthlys instead of popping down to the shop to buy them. Why did I start this I can hear you ask? Well, one of my personal highlights to read every month is Company magazine which has now transformed to a completely digital magazine. At first I was a bit unsure if how I felt about that because I love reading a physical copy in front of me but I've been readjusting. Actually that's putting it mild, I've been completely transformed into digital editions; Vogue, Elle, Company, Red, Marie Claire.... The list goes on but they all now get the download on my ipad each month. One major reason for my change of heart is down to the technical features! A major role within my job in social media and when I saw how interactive and social friendly these apps are made me realise that I'm actually not really on top of this digital age after all. Inspiration has been restored!
I can't wait to share the first in this new series very soon.
Love C X
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